Our team is here to help you navigate your apartment search. We have some helpful information to guide you through the process, but you can always contact us for more assistance.
Our Apartment Search Toolkit is a great starting point that offers a step-by-step guide to the off campus search process.
We recommend reviewing the 4 P’s of the Apartment Search Process before you begin your search:
- Price
- People
- Paperwork
- Protection
Whether you are researching average rental prices in different neighborhoods or looking at other living expenses, our office has compiled some information for you to start your search.
Make sure to be thinking about all aspects like utilities, furniture, rental insurance and anything else you want in your off campus apartment.

Besides looking for roommates, who else do you need to work with in order to secure off campus housing?
Our team is here to guide you through working with realtors, landlords, and even the city of Boston as all of these people are important to have the best off campus experience possible.
Want to learn more? Schedule a meeting with us!
The paperwork involved in renting off campus can be confusing. We can help you navigate this process as early as the application paperwork!
Our Lease Genius page will help you learn the ins and outs of leasing, so you are even more prepared for future renting.

From scams to safety, it is important to protect yourself off campus. Choosing your apartment also means knowing housing codes, fire safety protocols, and spotting possible scams.
NUPD also offers services such as the Red Eye shuttle and self defense training. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter for upcoming events.