Off Campus Engagement and Support at Northeastern provides support and education related to off-campus housing, renter’s rights knowledge and off-campus responsibilities.  We foster a sense of belonging for students through campus and community connections. We offer many resources, special programs and events to help you find off-campus housing in Boston, to stay connected to campus, and serve as a link to your peers and community. We also help you understand your rights and responsibilities as a renter and how to navigate landlord issues. Peer Community Ambassadors plan programs and events for you, are here to answer all of your questions, and help you get engaged when living off campus. Call us, email us, or book a virtual appointment


Off Campus Engagement and Support at Northeastern provides educational programming and engagement opportunities to learners living off campus in Boston and throughout Northeastern’s network. We are dedicated to connecting students to their community, fostering campus engagement, and providing education and resources to support students in Boston’s neighborhoods.   

Find Us

Address: 151 Speare Hall (across from the Residential Security Office)
Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115


Phone: (617) 373-8480

Virtual Appointments via Bookings Here

Hours: Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm EST.  Evening appointments available  during the fall and spring semesters – book here. 

Our Team