Finding the right roommates(s) to live with is just as important as finding the right apartment. Roommate(s) are part of your living environment and lifestyles should be considered before choosing to live together. In order to prevent any disagreements that may occur, we strongly advise discussing all living conditions before signing a lease. Our Roommate Selection Checklist is a good place to start these discussions. After that, you should use a more in depth Roommate Agreement.

General talking points to find the right roommates for you:

  1. Location – Talk about where you want to live and aspects such as commute time, groceries, etc.
  2. Budget – Not everyone has the same budget. Make sure to discuss everyone’s expectations when deciding where to rent.
  3. Sleeping Habits – Preventable roommate conflicts involve making sure that everyone has a comfortable sleeping environment.
  4. Health Concerns – Be mindful of medical conditions such as food allergies, asthma, etc.
  5. Cleanliness – Keeping a clean environment has many forms across different areas. Discuss laundry and cleaning schedules in your roommate contract.
  6. Guests – Having roommates means discussing when guests may be invited to the apartment. Be considerate to all roommates when inviting guests.

When conflicts seem unsolvable, there are next steps you can take. Northeastern’s Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution can help roommates by providing an impartial mediator. Use the Conflict Resolution & Mediation Request Form to schedule a meeting.

Remember, if you ever feel unsafe or feel that your roommate’s behavior is concerning, contact Boston Police (9-1-1) or Northeastern University Police Department (617-373-3333) for additional assistance.

Roommate Guide infographic by Northeastern University Off Campus Engagement and Support. It provides talking points to help find the right roommate:

Location: Where do you want to live? How long of a commute do you want?
Budget: What price range is comfortable for you? What utilities do you want (e.g., cable, internet, gas, oil)?
Sleeping Habits: Are you a morning or night person? What is your class or work schedule?
Health & Allergies: Are you allergic to specific foods? Any health concerns worth mentioning?
Cleanliness: What is your cleanliness level (super clean, messy, or super messy)? Do they have a pet?
Guests: How often do you have people stay over? How often are your friends over?
Interests: What are your interests (e.g., music, TV, food)?
The bottom of the image features a row of building icons and the Northeastern University Off Campus Engagement and Support logo with contact information.